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Comox Ladies Club

General Info

As a Ladies Club member, you will receive league and tournament invites by email – we do try to keep the volume down!  If you want to opt out from all Ladies Club communications then you can either respond to any pre-season “opt-out” invitation or email the ladies captain at and request removal from our email lists and the member directory.  

Every year, you will receive a directory of all ladies’ club members email and phone #’s and the annual ladies club schedule. If you don't receive these then please email the captain.


Golf Genius Sign-ups

Sign-up for all ladies’ club league and events is through Golf Genius (GG). This software helps our volunteers manage our leagues and events by permitting easier management of event invitations, email lists and communications out to you. GG automatically updates handicaps from Golf Canada, does event pairings (who plays with who), hole assignments and, for the bigger tournaments like the Ladies North Island and the Club Championship, GG is a huge help due to the ease of printing score cards, recording results and producing winners list.


If you get stuck, then please contact any of the ladies’ executive for help.



Gross Champion

Sandy Tufnail


Net Champion

Mary Buchanan


Pat Everett/Kathy Branch    



Full Results



Phyllis Taylor


Runner Up

Pat Everett



Lorelei Banford/Janice Nicklin


Runners Up 

Kathy Branch/Sue Leakey


Deb Rusch



Jennifer Warnyca



Anne Patterson and Maxine Montgomery



Low Gross

Jenny Steel


Low Net

Sue Powers


Low Putts

Sue Powers


Sharen Bingham



Flight 1 Gross

Sandy Tufnail


Flight 1 Net

Nancy Newton


Flight 2 Gross

Kim Pierce


Flight 2 Net

Jill Blacklock

Ladies Club Organization
Ladies Executive photo coming sooon

The Ladies Executive oversees the running of our ladies’ club and is supported by a raft of organizers and helpers. If you want to volunteer, please let any of the Ladies’ Executive know. Our Annual General Meeting is held in the fall at the same time as the closing tournament. At the opening tournament there’s a less formal short Spring meeting to pass on anything new or get feedback from the membership.

There are no annual fees to join the Ladies Club, funding for our expenses comes from our Tuesday League and our Divas and Divots league play. We welcome your ideas and feedback so please  pass on any suggestions, or complaints, you have by email to any member of the Ladies Executive.

2025 Ladies Club Executive and Organizers 

Captain                                          Sue Fulkerth                                     Vice-Captain                                  Katy Doran                                 

Past Captain                                  Jenny Steel

Secretary                                       Kathryn Silverstein                             

Treasurer                                       Lorelei Banford                           

Publicity                                         Lynne Wood 

Handicap Chairperson                  Pat Everett/Sue Powers

Rules Chairperson                        Jennifer Warnyca

Tuesday League Chair                  Sharon Crowe/Stephanie Moulton

Divas and Divots League Chair    Patti Harris                                       

Event Organizers

Match Play                                  Patti Harris

Ultimate Scorecard                     Lynne Wood

Inter-Club Match Play                 Janice Nicklin

Good Cup                                   Anne Patterson/Grace Coulter

Club Championship                    Sue Fulkerth/Katy Doran

Ladies Opening/Closing             Deb Rusch, Noreen Macaffrey

Ladies North Island Chair          Sue Fulkerth

Christmas Party                         Michelle Dunn, Gloria Grieve


House and Trophies                    Katy Doran 

Sunshine                                     Sue Fulkerth 

Flower Beds                                Michelle Dunn 


Your Handicap

A handicap allows you to compete and win against better golfers. To participate in club net events or any Zone 6 tournament you must have a current and correct handicap index.  You only need 54 holes (3x18 or 6x9) to establish your handicap.  These can be played on any course registered in Golf Canada.  New members should receive their Golf Canada sign-on instructions by email from the pro shop.  



Entering Scores

​To enter your scores, go to the Golf Canada web site and click on the "login" box located at the top right-hand corner of the screen.  Type in your Username and Password to access your account.  Click on Post a Score. Choose the course and tee you played from.  Then click on Post Hole by Hole.  We are encouraging all members to post scores this way.  The computer will automatically make any adjustment to a hole score needed for handicap purposes.  If not posting hole by hole then remember your maximum score for posting will be net double bogey.


Change the date, if necessary, but we do recommend scores get posted as soon as possible after your round.  Change 18 holes if you only played 9, to front 9 or back 9, by toggling the switch beside 18 holes.  If you were playing a match, then change the format from stroke play to match play.  

Your responsibilities
  • Legibly record your hole-by-hole scores on a scorecard.

  • Post a score for every acceptable round as soon as possible after completion of the round so your Golf Canada Handicap Index is current.

  • Contact the Handicap Chair if you have any problems.


What scores should I post?

Fair handicapping is only possible when all players post full and accurate scoring information for all rounds played. You should post the following scores for handicap purposes:

  • Scores from 9 and 18-hole rounds, or when fourteen or more holes (7 holes for 9-hole rounds) are played. 

  • Scores made in an area during its “active season.” The active season for Comox Golf Club usually is from April 1 to November 15, but this can change depending on the condition of the course. An email and posters around the course will advertise the active/inactive dates.

  • Scores from all forms of competition including Stroke and Match Play.

  • Scores made at home, away, or out-of-country on courses with a valid course and slope rating.

  • Scores made under the rules of golf.


If you start but do not finish a hole (e.g., you picked up, were given a putt or were conceded a hole) record the score you would most likely have made.


When you don’t play a hole (e.g., you stop playing after 14 or more holes) enter your score hole by hole but record 10 for any holes not played so that your Ultimate Scorecard is correctly adjusted. 


Tournament scores are no longer used in calculating handicaps by Golf Canada.  

When scores should not be posted


Do not post a score:

  • When a competition limits the clubs to be used, e.g., irons only.

  • Scores played outside the active playing season.

  • Scores from games not played under the principles of the Rules of Golf (such as a scramble).

  • A round of golf played all by yourself with no one else with you.


If for any reason you need to adjust a score you entered incorrectly in the system, you can make most adjustments yourself by clicking on the pencil near the end of the line the score is on and when you have finished your adjustment, hit post score.


If you need assistance in posting or correcting scores, please let the Handicap Chair know and she will be pleased to help you. 

Rules Corner

It is everyone’s responsibility to be familiar with the rules, the etiquette and terminology and we encourage all players to carry the Players Edition of the Rules of Golf.  You can also download the rules app to your smart phone to save some trees - see here: Rules of Golf Apps ( for details. Contact the Rules Chair if you need a rules book.  2019 is the latest edition. 


New Rules for 2023


No new rules for 2024. 


1. More forgiveness for a ball moved by natural forces.

Under the old rules a ball that moves due to natural forces is played as it lies (except on the green, where it is replaced). If it happens to lie in the water or out of bounds, tough luck. The player’s only option is to take stroke-and-distance relief. As of January, that rule changed. Under a new exception, a ball that rolls to another area of the course or comes to rest out of bounds will be put back where it was before natural forces moved it. No penalty.


2. Simpler procedure for back-on-line relief

When you knock a ball into a penalty area or an unplayable spot, the drop you take is known as back-on-line relief and the procedure for it can get complicated and time-consuming. Under the old rules, for example, you drop the ball, and it rolls closer to the hole, then you must drop again. As of Jan. 1, the procedure will be more forgiving. Your ball merely must come to rest within one club-length of where you drop it, even if it is one club-length closer to the hole.


3. No penalty if you don’t write your handicap on your scorecard.

Long gone are the days when scores were kept exclusively with pencil and paper. The rise of scorekeeping apps and other technology has changed all that. In recognition of the new reality, players will no longer be penalized for failing to put their handicap on their scorecard in stroke play. It will be up to the committee overseeing play to ensure the accuracy of handicaps and their application.


4. Go ahead and replace that damaged club.

You are now allowed to replace any club that you damage during a round. There’s just one caveat. The damage must be inadvertent. 


5. Modifications for players with disabilities

The current Rules make several accommodations for players with disabilities. (A blind player, for example, can have an aide help with marking and alignment). These are treated as local rules that committees can enact if they wish. As of Jan. 1, the modifications will become part of the Rules, meaning that they will always be in effect for all players with disabilities covered in the guidelines and there is no need to have a local committee adopt them.


For more information on the changes and to review the official 2023 Rules of Golf, you can click here.

Ladies Club News
  • October 17

Tuesday winter cards and optional dine will start on Tuesday November 5 at 10 a.m.   Check your email for a GG invite.   Deb Rusch is the organizer.

Comox Golf Club
1718 Balmoral Avenue, Comox, BC V9M 2N1

Pro Shop:  250-339-4444

Restaurant :  250-339-7272

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